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Benefits of Neutral Posture
Alleviate Pain
Eliminate pressure on the spine
By shifting into a neutral posture, you can reduce the forces of gravity acting on your spine and vertebrae, helping to reduce pressure and relieve pain.
Reduce back pain
In a study conducted by the Portland Research Group, 58% of people who own a Perfect Chair report either reducing or eliminating their regular use of painkillers for back pain after spending time in neutral posture each day.
Reduce swelling
Raising the legs to a neutral posture position can help those suffering from swelling and inflammation in the lower body to improve blood flow and rest more comfortably.
Reduce Stress
Muscle relaxation
Without the stress of supporting the body against gravity, muscles are able to fully relax, enabling stress reduction and improved recovery.
Tension relief
Many of us carry stress in our neck and shoulders, which can be exacerbated by poor sitting posture and "slouching.” By choosing a neutral position, these muscles are able to relax and recover more effectively, reducing stress in the process.
Live Healthier
Improved breathing
While in neutral posture, pressure is reduced on the diaphragm.
Increased circulation
As the body shifts into neutral posture, the heart is no longer forced to work against gravity to pump blood up from the legs.
Feel Better
Improved sleep
The reduction of stress on the spine, and the back pain that occurs as a result, can greatly improve both the quality and quantity of sleep on a nightly basis.
Headache prevention
Reduction of pressure in the neck and shoulders has a positive impact on helping to reduce the severity of or completely eliminating headaches.
more about health benefits
from our Wellness Council members
What is Zero Point?
David Marcarian, MA -
How Does Gravity Affect the Spine?
Dr. John Maltby -
Using the Perfect Chair for Post-Surgery Recovery
David Marcarian, MA