Insights from Human Touch team into our products, technology, and the Human Touch culture

Being Pro-Active About Wellness, By: Dr. James Rouse

“What are we waiting for?” 

You may have heard yourself shouting or whispering this heartfelt call to action to the world around you. You may wonder, in relationship to our country’s challenged attempt to choose to “be well,” versus being a part of a healthcare decline. You may be thinking, as I do, whether we need to have things go completely off the rails before we lean into creating a life we love with courage and conviction?

Where do you stand with your “self-care?” If you are part of the micro-movement of proactive, performance and life-enhancing wellness, than I applaud your passion and purpose driven lifestyle. You are part of the inspiring and ever expanding community of “change agents” who are re-shaping the much maligned and often times dysfunctional healthcare system in our country today. THANK YOU.

In my 20+ years of clinical care I have been a humble and inspired witness of “You.” The one who doesn’t wait for something to go wrong before you choose to react and do something on behalf of your well-being. Your willingness to show up each and every day, most often when no one is watching: the pre-dawn work out, choosing to meditate rather than sedate to manage your stress, making time to look into the eyes of the ones you love instead of looking into the phone screen for the ten thousandth time. THANK YOU.

I am with you, and I am for you, and so is Human Touch. I began working with this world class movement and brand over a decade ago because of their mission and vision to support the movement that we wildly embrace every day. I found myself channeling my zeal into each and every patient and urging them to choose massage… to place it next to their clean diet and their daily workouts as an integral part of their plan for optimum wellness. The ones who embraced this opportunity have thrived. The ones who were on decline and/or struggling with their self-care have found massage to be one of the most powerful catalysts to get them back into their own wellness game, and they are now (like you) the change agents- changing the game of healthcare into self-care and winning at their life.

Take a moment right now and ask yourself if you have more room to grow in your life; if the desire to feel you are living up to your life’s mission and vision. I asked that same question of myself and thousands of my patients. And that is why I am honored and blessed to share the journey of optimum wellness with Human Touch and with you.

No matter where you are: proactive or reactive, a seasoned wellness embracer or one who is just beginning the journey- we have your back. For your body, mind and spirit - onward with love! 

2020-04-15 12:07:56